Create a better day!

Are you wondering how to go about creating consistently better and happier days? Let’s chat!

If you haven’t heard me say it before, here it is again- YOU get to CHOOSE what you FOCUS on! What if I told you you can use this truth as an advantage towards creating a better day?! It all starts with asking yourself one simple question~ What will make today great?”

Let me explain….

When you take a second to ask yourself “what will make today great?” (Do this as soon as you wake up), you are taking a step to influence your RAS to point out and engage in activities that would make your day better!

The RAS what??- 

There is a small part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System aka RAS , that forms our perception of the world and plays a major role in establishing our ideas & thoughts. It determines the lenses through which we see the world we live in. We are building new pathways and programs in our brain everyday, that allow us to ‘see’ what we can do to improve our well-being and naturally increases our happiness. Doing this consistently gives one consistently better days it’s that simple!

Let me explain….further

Have you ever bought a new car and all of a sudden you start to see that car everywhere? Or maybe you notice someone has the same shirt, haircut, or shoes as you? Or maybe you just fell in love and are seeing the world through rose-colored glasses! These experiences are universal, meaning they happen to all of us! BUT WHY???

I’ll stick with my car example here. So you just bought the car of your dreams and have taken a major step in redefining your possessions/identity in society… Well your RAS accommodates this by sending you a gentle reminder of your new car every time you see it on the street or even on TV. It does this subconsciously/automatically because your car is something positive you identify with, and the brain likes to be happy :) 


By answering this simple question to yourself as soon as you wake up, you’re priming your brain to automatically search for positive reinforcements throughout your day while you focus on your busy schedule.  In fact, One study found that people who imply thought about watching their favorite funny movie actually increased their endorphin levels (the chemical that produces to make you happy) by 27% !  So do yourself a favor, answer this simple question every day, and have consistently better days :) 


How to achieve your dreams